Monday, June 15, 2009

Lakers Championship Game !!!

Wait for it, Wait for it,

Gambling's BAD

First off let me start by saying " GO LAKERS ". We all headed out to the usual place to watch the final game ( Corner Office ). Wow was it packed today. It didn't take long before the group got drunk. Drink after drink after drink. Surprisingly, the bill was only 120 bucks w/ the Happy Hour Card. Best investment for acoholics. Game started off bad for the Lakers but I'm glad they pulled it off. Well you know what's happening this week right? LAKER'S PARADE. Sam and I are gonna pack our tents and sleep in the street like the time we slept in line for the Obey sale. Well, I sleep in line while Diep and Sam slept in the car. Assholes!!!. After leaving Corner Office we headed out to the Kitch Bar to finish the night....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Iphone 3GS

For all of you that don't know, the new and improve Iphone 3GS is coming out on June 19th. To beat the long line, just head out to your local AT&T store to pre-order it. Just ordered mine yesterday. Can't wait til it comes... For specs :

Monday, June 8, 2009

OC Music-Fest 09

Kyle # 2 w/ Kyle #1

Pay back is a Bitch !!


This past Sat. we all headed out to Music Fest 09 @ Irvine Lake. Got there around 5 and met up with Christine's boss who camped out the night before. Once we got there I wasn't to sure how much fun I would have since I've never been to a hippie concert before. This was very different from what I'm use to. Thanks to Greg, we had a nice HUGE tent to sleep in ( not like we slept in it anyways ). Everyone there was so nice and friendly except for this weird guy that came by our campsite name Kyle #2. No one knew who he was or where he came from but he couldn't stop making fun of Greg's cousin Kyle. Well pay back is a BITCH!!! The guy somehow wondered back around 5am and fell asleep on our chair. What happen next to this guy was all Kyle's idea. No need to explain just look at the picture above. Not much longer after that the sun came up and we left. This past weekend was a good learning experience and I'm glad I came out. I had a BLAST...Til next year...
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